SIMPLY—Dial Up the Whimsey and Natural
Photography by: Justin Saunders
Need height, and don’t have an element to create the layered towering effect that tops off the space and creates the cohesiveness needed for the space?
Forage…. Yup, take those clippers 0r loppers out into your yard, visit a local florist, or…. explore other areas of possibility, I won’t tell ( I’ve been known to approach gas stations for the great flowering branches) and with all your might snip a limb or two for your interior arrangement.
Then, simply organically place the limbs into a container or vase and let them fall into place. What you have is a work of art that can’t be replicated again even if you tried! Once the limbs move you probably won’t be able to arrange them the same. So, be sure you are sure prior to touching them.
The great thing about this approach is even as this master piece of an arrangement starts to wilt it could possibly get better with time. Then, you can utilize the dried fallen pieces of the limbs (leaves, berries, petals, and florals)
What you need to make these arrangements:
1) FOLIAGE- It can be a tree, shrub, or plant of any sort with leaves, florals, berries or nothing. Organic or more structured. Either and both!
2) VASE or CONTAINER- (doesn’t have to be huge) Just tall enough or heavy enough to support the limbs. The possibilities are endless. Ornate, colorful, simple, clear, or natural.
3) CLIPPERS/ LOPPERS- I love a pair of loppers for larger limbs. They give you leverage.
3) WATER- If you are wanting the florals to stay fresh. If you are not interested in keeping the florals fresh then, skip it.
4) ROCKS- If the limbs are heavy and will not stay upright on their own and you don’t want to cut them shorter. Then, I turn to rocks (especially with a vase that is NOT translucent) Hold the limbs in place and position the rocks around the limbs to support the weight.
5) Just do it- Go for it and don’t think about it too much. Less thought or prearranging the better.
6) And…. PATIENCE- (NOTE: If I am working on your styling project, most likely I will be dragging along some great branches that compliment the projects aesthetic)